Wednesday, June 8, 2011

My first 0

That is right my friends tonight I had the first chance to look at the scale and see no change.  As hard as it was I thought to myself "well at least it wasn't a gain." Currently we have alot going on around here and to be honest I am thankful I was able to maintain. I am getting stricter again and we will see how this week goes. Here is to a different day with different possibilities!

Catch-up and an update

So here we are, just over a month into this journey and I am losing momentum. I have seen progress and am excited about it but then I see the numbers and am confused. I crave protein and salt. The salt is what is killing me I am sure. I am retaining so much water I feel like a slushy mess. This week my goal has been to LOWER my sodium intake and see what  happens. I am still feeling like I am fighting those around me in this but all I can focus on right now is my life and the influence I have on my daughter. Hopefully people will see from my example and follow, I can only hope.

The first time I had my measurements taken was May 2,2011 the second time was just a month after that on June 1,2011 and the results are as followed.

June 1,2011
Total weight: 267
Body Fat: 38.5
Body Fat Weight: 102.8
Lean Weight: 164.3
Water Weight: 122.2
Protein Weight: 42.1
Triceps Skinfold: 40.2
Supraillium Skinfold: 33.9     Waist Circum 37 in
Thigh Skinfold: 43.3            
Hips: 51.5

May 2,2011
Total Weight:277
Body Fat:37.7
Lean Weight:172.6
Water Weight: 128.4
Protein: 44.2
Tricep: 42.7
Suprailium: 28.5               Waist Circum:  40.5 in
Thigh: 42.7
Hips 56in
OK so the numbers don't look bad for the most part. I lost 3.6% of my weight over 4 weeks. I think I can do better but that is what I got. My hips lost 4.5 INCHES! and my waist lost 3.5 INCHES. These numbers are progress but what confuses me is the fact that my body fat went up 2.1% as did my suprailium skin-fold (my stomach) and my thigh skin-fold(my thigh obviously) How am I losing weight but gaining fat. I hate the days I am discouraged. I hate not having a workout buddy. I hate being depressed. It is up to me to change this cycle. I am doing the best I can. We are weighing in tonight in my class so wish me luck. Share some encouragement and send your friends this way! I would love some more readers. Off to finish house work so I don't feel as guilty going to the gym tonight.